Good Words, Good Thoughts, Good Deeds
About Just-Care
Just-Care was ‘born’ at the end of 2006. Just-BI donated a large amount to start the Foundation with the message: this Foundation is for you, as Just-Consultants, to do good. So that’s we started doing.
You can read all about our activities, projects and actions on this website. But the main thing we want you to remember is that all we do comes from the within.
- If people are in need: we organize an event to support them.
- If money is required: we organize a fundraising among colleagues, our professional network and our families & friends.
- If our knowledge can contribute: we offer our (BI) consulating expertise.
- And when we party: we share and combine with fundraising for a good cause.
We do not keep any of the money ourselves and we stick to our mission:
Good words, good thoughts and good deeds!
STRATEGY, Core Principles and principles of Just-Care Foundation
Purpose of the Foundation:
- The purpose of the Foundation for Just-Care is conduct ing volunteer-activities in the areas of health , social services, sports and recreation, social and cultural work , training and education , nature and environment.
- Just-Care Foundation is trying to achieve this through work and contributions of Just-BI B.V. , their employees and through fundraising , both inside and outside working hours.
- At Just-Care it is our mission to help others and bring them joy by putting in effort, time and energy. With this, we contribute to a better and more beautiful world.
- Good words , good thoughts , good deeds
Tasks of Just-Care:
- Collecting money and goods, organizing activities , create awareness regarding our environment and surroundings
How and with whom Just-Care Foundation works
Tasks to be performed:
- Just-Care has several recurring activities each year:
- This is a sporting activity where money is raised for charit . Recent years Just-Care has participated and contributed to the ‘Run for Kika’.
- At the end of each year Just-Care organizes the ‘Christmas Gifts’ action. For this action, clothes and toys are collected and packets are made for children who can use it. Since 2008 we participate with Stichting Vluchtelingenwerk (a foundation for Refugees) in The Hague.
- Just- Care provides consultancy in the field of Business Intelligence to other foundations pursuing charity (eg. North Star Alliance, Oxfam Novib). The foundation also has regular activities in which it brightens up the life for a day of a group of people that can use some extra attention (eg. poor or disabled children, the elderly). The organization, fundraising and execution of activities is done by Just-Care .
- In addition, Just-Care organizes ad-hoc activities, such as donating and installing computers (eg. Stichting Luna) . Fundraising for charity during parties or conferences / congresses organized by Just-BI B.V.
Raising money:
- The main donor is Just-BI B.V., financially and in the provision of resources.
- Just-Care collects money and goods (clothes, toys, boxes etc.) among family, friends and relations of Just -BI B.V.. Employees of Just-BI B.V. also donate time, money and goods. Most of the activities of Just-Care takes place outside working hours.
Accessing the resources of the foundation:
Just-Care has three Boardmembers, whom all have an equal voice in decision making;
– Katja Vos; President
– Ralf Slofstra; Treasurer
– Koen Lapre; Secretary
- Decision-making: Ideas for (new) initiatives are put forward by employees of Just- BI B.V. Subsequently, the Board assesses the ideas and hold them against the objectives of Just-Care as previously described. Then the Board will determine the financial feasibility and takes a final decision on whether or not to carry out the activity or contribution.
- Just-Care is currently a foundation without members. The foundation intends to work with the concept of ‘Friends of Just-Care’, giving members the opportunity to contribute via a (structural) donation.
Financial resources of the institution:
- Achievement of the objectives of the Just-Care Foundation is made possible financialy by means of:
– grants , gifts and donations of Just-BI B.V., its employees and other people
– obtained inheritances or bequests
– obtained in another way.
Most recent financial reports (in dutch)
- Jaarcijfers 2023
- Jaarcijfers 2022
- Jaarcijfers 2021
- Jaarcijfers 2020
- Jaarcijfers 2019
- Jaarcijfers 2018