What you really need to know about the Latest in Data Analytics!
In November, Just-BI attended the Gartner Symposium ITxpo in Barcelona. Did you miss it? Make sure you bookmark our website to be aware of future events! And, as usual, we want to keep our customers informed about the latest and greatest on the market, so here are the highlights of the Symposium for you.
CEO’s and IT Executives from across Europe and Middle East came together to network, exchange information about the latest technology trends and strategies, but also to understand Gartner’s perspective of the market for the next year and beyond.
On a personal note, we really enjoyed our stay in Barcelona where we had rented a nice apartment close to the boulevard (it cannot always be work!). At the same time as the Gartner event, a SAP TechEd Conference took place in Barcelona as well, for Technology consultants, developers, and their customers. Most of our Just-Colleagues attended the SAP TechEd conference and a few of Just’ers went to the Gartner’s Symposium. This way, we got the best of two events as we could exchange notes and experiences in the evenings over dinner (actually, it IS always work!). The most surprising topic during dinner was that both conferences were covering Data (explosion) and how to manage it – which gives you an idea on how BIG this topic really is.
Here are the most important Gartner takeaways and our view on them:
- Treat IT-systems as assets
- Prepare your digital platform (with analytics!)
- Reorganize for digital
IT-systems are key assets. For digital businesses it is obvious that costs are involved. Also for other business it is good to define and expose the business value of each IT -solution.
All companies have a digital platform. The kind of business determines emphasis on customer interfacing (e.g. at internet banks), internet of things (connected devices for Uber), IT systems (Netflix) or ecosystems (partners of Salesforce). Intelligence connects the various areas and helps making business decisions or… is making them for you. Data Analytics is playing a key role here.
Reporting tools are getting more user friendly and providing self-service capabilities. “Freemium” models are getting more common: they are free until you need more advanced functionalities. Enabling end-users with self-service tools requires proper preparation of and access to all required business data.
Data Explosion
The explosion in data volumes is forcing us more to connect to it instead of trying to move all into data warehouses. Gartner predicts data storage will grow 3% only as a result the IoT-boom. And yes, data storage will move more and more into the cloud. Data Analytics is hot. There are more algorithms freely available than you probably require. Predictive tools can propose the best suited models and algorithms for you, as long as you provide a well prepared dataset. You still need to combine business exp
ertise, analytical/statistical skills and IT/programming skills. It is never too late to start building these capabilities and define a multi-disciplined Way-of-Work. That WoW should include checkpoints to reevaluate the business outcomes that can (not) be achieved.
Reorganize for digital: The pace of your (successful) digital transformation strongly depends on your organizations agility. Especially since some business areas will have IT requirements that are not that clear, can change, and have uncertain outcomes. Gartner suggests implementing a Bimodal way of work. A mode to cover the described areas and solving new problems with an exploratory and experimenting approach Mode two (Ninja-Style). Mode one (Samurai-style) has to cover the rather business-as-usual areas with a predictive and planned approach. Both should work coherently and contribute to agile delivery.
Just-BI´s mission is finding new technologies and business models which create opportunities and services to help companies tackle their challenges. What you just have read, is the (very) compressed content of 240 PowerPoint Presentations which were shared with Gartner delegates. If you would like to know more about the trends or which technology is the best fit– please contact us and we will put our best brains together to help you.